SUSHI Applications

NameAnalysis CategoryDescriptionRequired ColumnsNext DataSet Columns
HomerDiffPeaksApp Finding Peaks and Differential Peaks with or without Replicates from HOMER.
Name, BAM Name, Report [File], DiffPeak [Link]
ProkkaApp Prokka: rapid prokaryotic genome annotation Name, Draft Name, ProkkaOut [File], Species
CanuApp Canu long read genome assembler Name, Read1 Name, Reads, Draft [File]
SpadesApp SPAdes genome assembler Name, Read1 Name, Draft [File], SpadesLog [File], PreprocessingLog [File], Species, Read Count
AllPathsApp Genome deNovo assembler based on AllPaths. file, library_name, project_name, organism_name, type, paired, frag_size, frag_stddev, insert_size, insert_stddev, read_orientation, genomic_start, genomic_end Name, Fasta [File], Report [File], Stats [File]
TrinityApp RNA-seq de novo Assembly
Name, Read1, Species Name, Fasta [File], Stats [File], Abundance Counts [File], Abundance TPM [File], Abundance TMM [File], ExN50 [File]
ExceRptApp Annotation and Profiling of smallRNA-seq with exceRpt's pipeline
Name, Read1, Adapter1, Species Name, excerpt [File], Species, refBuild
FeatureCountsApp Multi-purpose read counting with Rsubread::featureCounts
Name, BAM, BAI, refBuild Name, Count [File], Stats [File], Species, refBuild, featureLevel, refFeatureFile, strandMode, paired, Read Count, transcriptTypes
KallistoApp kallisto is a program for quantifying abundances of transcripts from RNA-Seq data. It is based on the novel idea of pseudoalignment for rapidly determining the compatibility of reads with targets, without the need for alignment. Name, Read1, Species Name, Count [File], bootstrappedCount [File], runInfo [File], PreprocessingLog [File], Species, refBuild, featureLevel, refFeatureFile, strandMode, paired, Read Count, transcriptTypes
DESeq2App Differential gene expression analysis based on the negative binomial distribution
Name, Count, Species, refBuild, featureLevel, refFeatureFile Name, Species, refBuild, Static Report [Link], Live Report [Link], Report [File]
EdgeRApp Empirical analysis of digital gene expression data in R
Name, Count, Species, refBuild, featureLevel, refFeatureFile Name, Species, refBuild, Static Report [Link], Live Report [Link], Report [File]
LimmaApp Empirical analysis of digital gene expression data in R
Name, Count, Species, refBuild, featureLevel, refFeatureFile Name, Species, refBuild, Static Report [Link], Live Report [Link], Report [File]
SCEdgeRApp Empirical analysis of digital gene expression data in R
Name, Species, refBuild, dummy Name, Species, refBuild, Static Report [Link], Live Report [Link], Report [File]
BWAApp Burrows-Wheeler Aligner
Name, Read1, Species Name, BAM [File], BAI [File], IGV [Link], Species, refBuild, paired, refFeatureFile, strandMode, Read Count, IGV [File], PreprocessingLog [File]
BismarkApp A tool to map bisulfite converted sequence reads and determine cytosine methylation states
Name, Read1, Species Name, BAM [File], BAI [File], TxtReport [File], M-Bias_R1 [File], M-Bias_R2 [File], CpG_Context [File], COV [File], BedGraph [File], Species, refBuild, paired, Read Count, PreprocessingLog [File]
Bowtie2App Fast and sensitive read alignment. Supports local and end-to-end mode
Name, Read1, Species Name, BAM [File], BAI [File], IGV [Link], Species, refBuild, paired, Read Count, IGV [File], PreprocessingLog [File], Bowtie2Log [File]
Pbmm2App A minimap2 frontend for PacBio native data formats
Name, Read1 Name, BAM [File], BAI [File], IGV [Link], refBuild, IGV [File], Pbmm2Log [File]
STARApp Ultafast spliced alignment
Name, Read1, Species Name, BAM [File], BAI [File], IGV [Link], Species, refBuild, paired, refFeatureFile, strandMode, Read Count, IGV [File], PreprocessingLog [File], STARLog [File]
Bowtie2TranscriptomeApp Aligns the reads to a transcriptome only index. The index is built from the gtf file specified. For alignments to Name, Read1, Species Name, trBAM [File], trBAI [File], Species, refBuild, paired, refFeatureFile, strandMode, Read Count
BowtieApp Fast and memory-efficient short read aligner
Name, Read1, Species Name, BAM [File], BAI [File], IGV [Link], Species, refBuild, paired, Read Count, IGV [File], PreprocessingLog [File]
KrakenApp Kraken taxonomic sequence classification system Name, Read1 Name, KronaReport [Link], KrakenOut [File], KrakenReport [File], KronaOutDir [File], KronaOut [File]
PostSamsa2AnalysisApp Step_6 of Samsa2, data analysis and report. Name, annotationORGFileRefSeq, annotationFUNCFileRefSeq Name, Report [File], Static Report [Link]
QIIME2App Data processing with QIIME2. For short reads/Illumina data only. Name, Read1 Name, ResultDir [File], Static Report [Link], Demux Report [Link], Denoising stats [Link], Feature Table [Link], Rep Seqs Report [Link], Taxonomy Barplot [Link], Taxonomy List [Link], Shannon Diversity [Link], Jaccard Diversity [Link], Bray Curtis Diversity [Link], Jaccard Emperor Plot [Link], Bray Curtis Emperor Plot [Link], Alpha rarefaction [Link], Differential abundace [Link]
Samsa2App Metatranscriptomics pipeline with Samsa2. Name, Read1 Name, annotationFileRefSeq [File], annotationORGFileRefSeq [File], annotationFUNCFileRefSeq [File]
VirDetectApp Virome analysis for the diagnostic use in veterinary virology
Name, Read1, Species Name, Species, virBuild, hostBuild, paired, Read Count, OutDir [File], OutReport [Link]
DADA2Step1SampleApp Data preprocssing with DADA2. Please make sure that the input files are from the same technology and adjust minLen and maxLen accordingly. Name, Read1 Name, OTUsToTaxonomyFile [File], OTUsCountTable [File], RObjectPhyloseq [File], RObjectQCChimera [File]
MegahitApp Denovo metagenomics assembly with Megahit. Name, Read1 Name, contigFile [File], mappingFile [File]
MetagenomeAtlasApp Data preprocssing with Metagenome Atlas. The input is short reads, requires both R1 and R2 reads and assembles genomes found in the sample. Name, Read1, Read2 Name, Static Report [Link], Report [File]
MetaspadesApp Denovo metagenomics assembly with Metaspades, gene prediction with Prodigal and annotation with InterProScan (soon also Diamond). Name, Read1 Name, contigFile [File], prodigalPredictionFile [File], interproscanFile [File], binSummaryFile [File]
MetatranscriptomicsAnalysisApp Analysis of metatranscriptomics data produced by Samsa2. Name, annotationFileRefSeq Name, Report [File], Static Report [Link]
MothurApp Data preprocssing with Mothur. Please make sure that the input files are from the same technology and adjust minLen and maxLen accordingly. Name, Read1 Name, OTUsToTaxonomyFile [File], OTUsCountTable [File], RObjectPhyloseq [File], RObjectQCChimera [File]
MothurStep1SampleApp Data preprocssing with Mothur. Please make sure that the input files are from the same technology and adjust minLen and maxLen accordingly. Name, Read1, Adapter1 Name, OTUsToTaxonomyFile [File], OTUsCountTable [File], RObjectPhyloseq [File], RObjectQCChimera [File]
MothurStep1SampleReportApp Report of the preprocessin analysis performed with Mothur. Name, RawDataSummary, DeduppedSummary, LenAndHomopSummary Name, Report [File], Static Report [Link]
PhyloSeqAnalysisApp 16S metagenomics visualization with Phyloseq. Name, RObjectPhyloseq, RObjectQCChimera Name, Static Report [Link], Report [File]
CountSpacerApp QC Tool for sgRNA libraries. Name, Read1 Name, Report [File], Html [Link], Count [File], Species, Read Count
MageckCountApp Name, Read1 Name, Count [File], Log [File], Read Count, libName, Species
NestLinkApp NestLink - an R data package to guide through Engineered Peptide Barcodes for In-Depth Analyzes of Binding Protein Ensembles - Name, Read1, FlashLog Name, NestLink Result [File]
MemeApp Perform motif discovery on DNA, RNA or protein datasets
Name, PeakSequences Name, MEME Result [File], MEME Report [Link]
MACS2App Capturing the influence of genome complexity to evaluate the significance of enriched ChIP regions
Name, BAM, BAI, refBuild Name, Species, refBuild, refFeatureFile, paired, CalledPeaks [File], BED [File], PeakSequences [File], BigWigFile [File], BAM [File], BAI [File]
ConvERDSApp This converts the result DataSet of EAGLERCApp to an input DataSet of DNAHaplotypeCallerGVCFApp. Name, Species, dummy Name, BAM, refBuild, Species, Dummy [File]
EAGLERCApp EAGLE: Explicit Alternative Genome Likelihood Evaluator
Name, BAM1, BAM2, refBuild1, refBuild2, Species Name, Parent1RefBAM [File], Parent1AltBAM [File], Parent1UnkBAM [File], Parent1MulBAM [File], refBuild1, Parent2RefBAM [File], Parent2AltBAM [File], Parent2UnkBAM [File], Parent2MulBAM [File], stdout log [File], errout log [File], refBuild2, Species, dummy [File]
MergeDataSetApp Merging two DataSets

Name, BAM, refBuild, Species Name, BAM1, BAM2, refBuild1, refBuild2, Species, dummy [File]
CisTransApp CisTrans detects cis- and trans-regurated genes by comparing parental diploids and polyploid expression data.
Name, Results Name, Results [File]
FlashApp Fast Length Adjustment of SHort reads Name, Read1, Read2 Name, Read1 [File], FlashLog [File], TrimmomaticLog [File], Species, Read Count
MergeRunDataApp Merging fastq files from two illumina runs by name

Name, Species, Read1 Name, Result [File]
TrimmomaticApp Trimmomatic performs a variety of useful trimming tasks for illumina paired-end and single ended data.The selection of trimming steps and their associated parameters are supplied on the command line. Name, Read1 Name, Read1 [File], Read Count
InlineBarcodeDmxApp Simple R based app which performs demultiplexing of inline barcodes, read trimming and read filtering based on remaining read length Name, Read1, indexFile Name, Report [File]
EnaApp Download public data from ENA
Name, projectID Name, projectID, ENA Result [File]
BuscoApp BUSCO: from QC to gene prediction and phylogenomics Name, Draft Name, BuscoPlot [Link], BuscoOut [File], Species
CountQCApp Quality control after counting reads
Name, Count, Species, refBuild, featureLevel, refFeatureFile Name, Species, refBuild, Static Report [Link], Live Report [Link], Report [File]
CrisprScreenQCApp Screens of CRISPR samples for contaminations Name, Read1 Name, Report [File], Html [Link]
DnaBamStatsApp Runs the following tools that check alignment statistics for the DNA applications
Name, BAM Name, Samstat Result [File], Qualimap Result [File], Picard Result [File], Samstat Report [Link], Qualimap Report [Link], Picard Report [Link]
DnaQCApp Quality control after the alignment of RNAseq reads
Name, BAM, BAI, refBuild, Species Name, Report [File], Html [Link], Species, refBuild, refFeatureFile
ExceRptReportApp QC report of exceRpt outputs. Name, excerpt, Species, refBuild Name, Species, refBuild, Static Report [Link], Report [File]
FastqScreen10xApp Screen files for contaminations or ribosomal RNA content
Name, RawDataDir, Read Count Name, Report [File], Html [Link]
FastqScreenApp Screen files for contaminations or ribosomal RNA content
Name, Read1, Read Count Name, Report [File], Html [Link]
Fastqc10xApp A quality control tool for NGS reads
Name, RawDataDir, Read Count Name, Report [File], Html [Link], MultiQC [Link]
FastqcApp A quality control tool for NGS reads
Name, Read1 Name, Report [File], Html [Link], MultiQC [Link]
GceApp GCE(genomic charactor estimator): a bayes model based method to estimate the genome size, genomic repeat content and the heterozygsis rate of the sequencing sample
Name, Read1 Name, GCE Result [File], Report [Link]
MageckTestApp Run test module in the tool Model-based Analysis of Genome-wide CRISPR-Cas9 Knockout (MAGeCK) Name, Count Name, Report [File], Report [Link]
NanoPlotApp NanoPlot: Plotting tool for long read sequencing data and alignments
Name, Read1 Name, NanoPlot Result [File], Report [Link]
PreqcApp Preqc - Illumina read pre-assembly quality control and data exploration module within sga Name, Read1, Read2 Name, PreqcReport [Link], PreqcReport [File], PreqcOut [File]
QuastApp QUAST (Quality Assessment Tool for Genome Assemblies) Name, Draft Name, QuastReport [Link], QuastOut [File], Species
RnaBamStatsApp Quality control after the alignment of RNAseq reads
Name, BAM, BAI, refBuild, Species Name, Report [File], Html [Link], Species, refBuild, refFeatureFile
RnaBiasApp Name, Read1, Species Name, Report [File], Report [Link]
BamPreviewApp Run a mapper and compute stats on the bam files
Name, Read1, Species Name, Report [File], Html [Link], Species, refBuild, refFeatureFile
Cov19QcApp Simple quality control for Cov19 data
Name, Read1 Name, Report [File], Html [Link]
KmergenieApp Kmergenie calculates kmer distribution, and it estimates the best kmer size and genome size
Name, Read1 Name, Report [Link], Results [File]
MetaQuastApp MetaQUAST evaluates and compares metagenome assemblies based on alignments to close references Name, Draft Name, QuastReport [Link], QuastOut [File], Species
TeqcApp Quality control for target capture experiments
Name, BAM, BAI, refBuild Name, Report [File], Html [Link]
BDRhapsodySAApp This wrapper runs a CWL workflow for the analysis of BD Single-Cell Multiomics. Name, Read1, Read2, Species Name, Species, refBuild, refFeatureFile, featureLevel, transcriptTypes, SCDataOrigin, ResultDir [File], Report [Link], CountMatrix [Link], UnfilteredCountMatrix [Link], Read Count
CellRangerAggrApp This wrapper runs cellranger aggr in multi-library analysis mode. Name, CountMatrix Name, Species, refBuild, refFeatureFile, featureLevel, transcriptTypes, ResultDir [File], Report [Link], CountMatrix [Link]
CellRangerApp This wrapper runs cellranger count in Single-library analysis mode. Name, RawDataDir, Species Name, Species, refBuild, refFeatureFile, featureLevel, transcriptTypes, SCDataOrigin, ResultDir [File], Report [Link], CountMatrix [Link], UnfilteredCountMatrix [Link], Read Count
CellRangerMultiApp This wrapper runs cellranger multi in Single-library analysis mode.

Name, RawDataDir, Species Name, Species, refBuild, refFeatureFile, featureLevel, transcriptTypes, SCDataOrigin, ResultDir [File,Link], Read Count
MergeSCDataSetsApp Merging more than two DataSets generaged from same library for CellRangerApp

Name, Species, RawDataDir Name, Species
ONTwfScApp A research pipeline designed to identify the cell barcode and UMI sequences present in nanopore sequencing reads generated from single-cell gene expression libraries
Name, Read1 Name, OutDir [File], OutReport [Link]
SCFeatBarcodingApp Single cell report
Name, Species, refBuild, CountMatrix, ResultDir Name, Species, refBuild, refFeatureFile, Static Report [Link], Report [File]
SCTrajectoryInferenceApp Trajectory inference analysis for single cell data
Name, Static Report Name, Report [File], Static Report [Link]
STARsoloApp This wrapper runs STARsolo in Single-library analysis mode. Note that it only runs on Single Cell GEX 10X libraries. Name, RawDataDir, Species Name, Species, refBuild, refFeatureFile, featureLevel, soloFeatures, transcriptTypes, ResultDir [File], CountMatrix [Link], UnfilteredCountMatrix [Link]
ScSeuratApp Single cell report
Name, Species, refBuild, CountMatrix, ResultDir, Condition Name, Species, refBuild, refFeatureFile, Static Report [Link], SC Cluster Report [File], SC Seurat
ScSeuratCombineApp The report of merged single cell samples/plates
Name, Species, refBuild, refFeatureFile, Static Report Name, Species, Static Report [Link], Report [File]
ScSeuratCompareApp Empirical analysis of digital gene expression data in R
Name, Report Name, Static Report [Link], Report [File]
ScSeuratFilterClustersApp Single cell report
Name, Species, refBuild, SC Seurat Name, Species, refBuild, refFeatureFile, Static Report [Link], SC Cluster Report [File], SC Seurat
ScSeuratLabelClustersApp Single cell report
Name, Species, refBuild, SC Seurat Name, Species, refBuild, refFeatureFile, Static Report [Link], SC Cluster Report [File], SC Seurat
VelocytoApp This wrapper runs velocyto in Single-library analysis mode. Name, ResultDir Name, LOOM [File], Species, refBuild, refFeatureFile, featureLevel, Read Count
BeeNetApp This wrapper runs BeeNet, a custom software designed to process data from paired-end Illumina® sequencing of single-cell RNA-seq libraries produced by the HIVE scRNAseq Processing Kit. Name, Read1, Read2, Species Name, Species, refBuild, refFeatureFile, featureLevel, transcriptTypes, ResultDir [File], CountMatrix [Link], Read Count
SingleCellCountsApp Maps all read files specified by the dataset file generates stats and expression counts with featureCounts Name, ReadDataset, Species Name, CountDataset [File], CountMatrix [File], CountFolder [File], CellCyclePhase [File], Species, refBuild, paired, refFeatureFile
SpaceRangerAggrApp This wrapper runs spaceranger aggr in multi-library analysis mode. Name, CountMatrix Name, Species, refBuild, refFeatureFile, featureLevel, transcriptTypes, ResultDir [File], Report [Link], CountMatrix [Link]
SpaceRangerApp This wrapper runs space ranger count in Single-library analysis mode. Name, RawDataDir, Species, Slide, Area Name, Species, refBuild, refFeatureFile, featureLevel, transcriptTypes, ResultDir [File], Report [Link], CountMatrix [Link], Read Count, Count [File]
SpatialSeuratApp Single cell report
Name, Species, refBuild, CountMatrix, ResultDir Name, Species, refBuild, refFeatureFile, Static Report [Link], Report [File]
SpatialSeuratSlidesApp Combine multiple slides from Visium/plates
Name, Species, refBuild, refFeatureFile, Static Report Name, Species, Static Report [Link], Report [File]
SplitAndClusterApp Joins the paired end files, and then splits the joined file by internal forward and reverse primers. Name, Read1, Read2 Name, Clustered [File]
WordCountApp test applicaiton Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!! Name, Read1 Name, Stats [File], Options
GATKv4DNAHaplotypeCallerGVCFApp Haplotype calling for DNA-seq with > version 4.0 in GVCF mode
Name, BAM, refBuild, Dummy Name, GVCF [File], GVCFINDEX [File], Species, refBuild, Dummy [File]
GATKv4FilteringSNPsByReferenceVCFApp filtering out SNPs by the VCF coming from reference accession
Name, Raw VCF, Filtered VCF, Species, refBuild Name, Filtered VCF [File], Species, refBuild, Script [File], Script log [File]
GATKv4GVCF2FilteredVCFApp genotype,merge and annotate gvcf-Files
Name, GVCF, GVCFINDEX, Species, refBuild, Dummy Name, Raw VCF [File], Filtered VCF [File], Species, refBuild
GATKv4JointGenoTypesApp genotype,merge and annotate gvcf-Files
Name, GVCF, GVCFINDEX, Species, refBuild, Dummy Name, Raw VCF [File], Filtered VCF [File], Species, refBuild
GatkDnaHaplotyperApp Haplotype calling for DNA-seq
Name, BAM, BAI, refBuild Name, GVCF [File], GVCFINDEX [File], Species, targetFile, refBuild
GatkJoinGenoTypesApp genotype,merge and annotate gvcf-Files
Name, GVCF, GVCFINDEX, Species, refBuild Name, Report [File], Species, refBuild
GatkRnaHaplotyperApp Haplotype calling for RNA-seq
Name, BAM, BAI, refBuild Name, GVCF [File], GVCFINDEX [File], Species, refBuild
MpileupApp Variant analysis with samtools/bcftools.
Name, BAM, BAI, refBuild, Species Name, VCF [File], TBI [File], Report [File], Html [Link], Species, refBuild
PbsvApp pbsv - PacBio structural variant (SV) calling and analysis tools
Name, BAM, BAI, refBuild Name, refBuild, OutDir [File], OutReport [Link]
GATKv4GenerateTranscriptsFromVCFApp filtering out SNPs by the VCF coming from reference accession
Name, BAM, Filtered VCF, Species, refBuild Name, New Genome Fasta [File], New Genome Masked Fasta [File], New Genes Annotation [File], Transcripts Fasta [File], Transcripts Masked Fasta [File], Species, refBuild, Script1 [File], Script2 [File]
ONTwfArticApp wf-artic: a Nextflow workflow for running the ARTIC SARS-CoV-2 workflow on multiplexed MinION, GridION, and PromethION runs
Name, Read1, SampleSheet Name, ResultDir [File], Report [Link]
PCAMDSApp vcf-stats
Name, Filtered VCF, Grouping File Name, Report [File], Static Report [Link], Interactive report [Link]
VcfStatsApp vcf-stats
Name, Filtered VCF, Dummy Name, Report [File], Html [Link]